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Please note that most links on our EsotErica website redirect to our parent company website (Subconscious Ascension Pty Ltd), in order to provide you with further information and/or to order services/products.
Our services/products include:
Training Sessions/Workshops:
EsotErica's training sessions/workshops assist you to learn new skills, gain useful knowledge and many valuable hints and techniques, enhance your personal health and wellbeing, improve your relationships, and create an easier and better life.
Live Workshops and E-Courses are available for the following sessions:
HealingHints LiveWorkshopHealingHints ECourseErica West shares many amazing healing techniques and hints in the HEALING HINTS session.
Erica has collated information (gained through personal experience and many years in the healing profession) to empower you with some of the best possible healing solutions in the HEALING HINTS session.  It is imperative that your personal health and wellbeing is a priority in your life.
The HEALING HINTS session is for you, if you wish to invest in your own health and wellbeing and start healing your body, mind and/or life.
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HealingHints LiveWorkshopHealingHints ECourseErica West explains how your thoughts create your reality in the WHAT YOU THINK... MATTERS session, and how to change your thoughts in the direction of a more desirable state.
The WHAT YOU THINK... MATTERS session is for you, if you are ready to take responsibility for your part in creating your past experiences, and willing to transform limiting beliefs to ensure a brighter future.
The WHAT YOU THINK... MATTERS session is for those who wish to learn how to transform negative beliefs, and use the power of thoughts for advantageous outcomes.
HealingHints LiveWorkshopHealingHints ECourseIn the CHANGE YOUR BELIEFS session, Erica West explains how your subconscious beliefs determine what you will attract into your life, and how to transform negative beliefs into positive beliefs.
The CHANGE YOUR BELIEFS session is for you, if you wish to transform limiting beliefs and make your life easier and better.
The CHANGE YOUR BELIEFS session is for you, if you wish to actively participate in transforming negative beliefs to positive beliefs.
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HealingHints LiveWorkshopHealingHints ECourseErica West shares various techniques in THE ART OF MANIFESTATION session, so that you can create the life you desire.
THE ART OF MANIFESTATION session shows you how to access the power within you to co-create with the universe everything you have ever dreamt of (and more).  
THE ART OF MANIFESTATION session is for you, if you wish to take responsibility for your own creations, and manifest an amazing reality.
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HealingHints LiveWorkshopHealingHints ECourseErica West shares her (and others) experiences in the LEARN ABOUT LIFE session, to demonstrate how/why things happen.
The LEARN ABOUT LIFE session will empower you to take control of your life, and to steer things in the direction you desire.
The LEARN ABOUT LIFE session is for you, if you wish to understand how life really works, and how to change your life for the better.
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HealingHints LiveWorkshopHealingHints ECourseErica West explains how easy it is to neutralize negative thoughts/emotions/words in the CANCEL THAT session.
The CANCEL THAT session shares Erica's personal experiences, to illustrate how and why we create negative events during our lifetime, and how to change them.
The CANCEL THAT session is for you, if you wish to invest in your future and create a better reality.
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Disclaimer: All products/services mentioned on this website are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. All research information is provided for educational purposes only, as a courtesy to our customers, and is not intended as a substitute for advice from a qualified health care (or other) professional.
